I'm not a fan of 4:30am and I don't usually see this hour except when travel interrupts sleep. it's an hour that does me no good. that's when I wonder why I didn't x or whether I'll ever y and get down on myself about z. I wonder if I travel less (you wouldn't know, but I think I do travel less) so as not to disturb my sleep and limit those odd hours?
so -- the touring was absolutely the right thing to do. hiking with a eco kind of tour guide and small van full of people. lots of intelligent information and out of the way, and not-so-out-of-the-way places. then a dash to the shops to get a few presents and some breakfast/lunch/supper (somehow only one meal on Friday?) and out to the airport.
graded papers on the plane (yes, I had an outlet under my seat! that tablet computer is fabulous -- btw, I don't think I"m going to accept papers on paper anymore. I have a record of all of my comments on their papers over the course of the semester, right there in my lap!) and sort of slept for a few hours.
at home, I finally slept soundly.
so much to think about. do I want to get back into this kind of scholarship? (btw, the graduate student did *not* get access to the manuscript from the family, but found another copy on microfilm at an archive that I had been at -- which either didn't have it then, or found it since -- but does this mean a copy in the public domain means I could publish? many more questions now). or work in some other kind of scholarship? meanwhile, class prep is pretty relentless with even just one new class for fall.
I think I'm going back to sleep.
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