you'd think I'd notice that it's a bit much for me, too. 2 online classes, I tell them, one is like going to 3 3-hour night classes a week and that would be a lot of prep. yup, but double for me with two classes.
so the women's studies class pretty much flows along - the quizzes are good, the essay assignments work, the discussion boards keep me from ever getting bored since the students facilitate them for the middle chunk of the class (and they do keep it interesting), but the children's lit class is new-new-new stuff every day.
no wonder I'm forgetting that there's wash in the washing machine (let's just say it's a good thing indeed that ben t. has baseball games twice a week. let's not think about the fact that the last one was last Thursday and it got cancelled, so when was the wash put in?). or that there is salmon that could have been grilled last night instead of, ug, cheddar brats? no brain space left. or that I need to realize by now that I am not here any more weekends in June, that should be easy to figure out that no, can't do anything that falls on a weekend around here.
back to writing quizzes. and driving. ben t. is doing summer gym (7:30 - 10:30), weight room conditioning at the high school (10:45 - 12:00) and wrestling (12:00 - 1:30 only two days a week), fortunately also at the high school. then some cello before nightly baseball. he prefers the games, those are more restful than the practices. really fortunately that almond joy drives herself to the twice-a-day swim practices. don't think I'd ever remember who I left where. sort of like when ben t. was this really calm baby in a carseat carrier -- where did we set him?