some with children, some without

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Does she want to go to this institute, or are you just doing a then/now cost comparison? I don't have any cheerful comment to make and don't want to minimize things, but do you think that your education has given your kids a different kind of experience that money can't quantify?


she's applied to some very selective ones that, if she gets in, don't charge. I was just checking what some of the rates are for things some of her friends have done.

yes, I know my kids have done different things (esp travel). I also know that I did lots of things my parents didn't do -- and some of the result is the me I am, and some is the need to catch up now on some retirement savings!

she'd probably rather swim and hang out if she doesn't get into the ones she applied to!


Yeah, and swimming and hanging out and having some unstructured time is fun--she'll be a senior next year?


yes, she's a junior. she did say kind of wistfully that, yea, she'd like to go to that program.


fingers crossed that she gets into the selective one she wants. This kind of wanting is hard.

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