why does this still surprise me?
we should finish with the paper today. maybe with the glue tomorrow. lots of reaching up very high to get the tall wall. can't even contemplate painting yet. the ceiling? what was I thinking?
ben t. is still working hard. he's serious. he's getting paid about 1/3 of the minimum wage, but he's interested in rebuilding a Yu-gee-oh deck. haven't heard a word from his best friend who left 3 weeks ago with ben t's cards (they merged their decks to make a more formidable one).
almond joy is back from her 7 colleges in 3 states in 4 days tour. she wants an urban school with a real campus and no snow. she also wants a very specific major. it's exciting to see how she thinks.
so, I guess we're not having guests over tonight even though a good friend is in town from Israel. there is no place to sit in the living room and the dining room is full of dropcloths and ladders. and this is the end of the break.