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I always loved Owl. And isn't it nice that blogging turned out to be sort of future class prep, what with you teaching Pooh next summer? :).

Are you going to Cs this year?


Thanks for a wonderful post about Owl - I love the books; I wrote a very short article about 'The Tao of Pooh.' You may be interested.



I'm a WOL, too, which must be a shadow archetype since I identify with Rabbit, the great listmaker. I really have always viewed the Pooh crowd as being archetypal, even in the days before I knew what an archetype was.


not going to the C's this year -- two conferences in June taking all the funding. it also overlapped too much with a local conference and a talk I'm giving and I just saw too much potential tension all around. I'll miss you, both Susan and Joanna!


I came out as Tigger.


And at the end of the weekend.... I came out Pooh!

You scored as Pooh!

ABOUT POOH: Pooh is a bear of Very Little Brain but quite a lot of heart. He enjoys the simple things in life, like visiting friends (in time for lunch), counting honey pots, and going for nice walks. He is a steadfast and loyal friend, and is often much brighter than he thinks he is.

WHAT THIS SAYS ABOUT YOU: You are a positive and calm sort of person, and you tend to go with the flow. When things go wrong, you generally find the most practical solution and put things right, with very little worry or fuss. You are a rock that your friends can lean on in times of trouble.

Your attitude towards life is very Zen. You appreciate the small things in life, while still managing not to sweat the small stuff. Your biggest flaw is your tendency to underestimate yourself. You are actually much smarter and more capable than you think you are.


Hey, I'm Owl, too - but with different ratios. Thanks for this fun!

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