if you were going to put together such a syllabus this week, what texts would you include?
all those delightful names and texts reeling in my head! what did you like best as a sophomore? what are you glad someone had you read, but at the time, you really didn't like it?
I don't have a suggestion.. but, isn't it nice to order books this semester knowing there will be many more?? And, knowing that you aren't getting the VERY last-choice of classes??
Posted by: Regular lurker | May 02, 2006 at 05:51 AM
I'm not sure how contemporary it is, but I loved Gabriel Garcia Marquez, both Love in the Time of Cholera and 100 Years of Solitude.
Posted by: lblanken | May 02, 2006 at 06:20 AM
I've loved Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart, as well as Nguyen Du (sp?), The Tale of Kieu.
Posted by: Pilgrim/Heretic | May 02, 2006 at 08:16 AM
I second Things Fall Apart. I also loved Purple Hibiscus (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie) & a few works from Banana Yoshimoto. Ooooh - and Blindness (Jose Saramago) & of course, Maxine Hong Kinston.
Posted by: comebacknikki | May 03, 2006 at 05:11 PM
Luigi Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author. I had that in a World Literature class. But aw, crap, it was from the 1920s! It depends on how much you can stretch "contemporary," I guess. Definitely some Borges too, if that's contemporary enough.
Posted by: Clancy | May 20, 2006 at 08:37 AM