ben t. had a tournament yesterday. he's had a really short season this year (didn't do the winter season at all) so he's only had a month of practice before regionals next weekend. this tournament was enormous.
mr. t. really does not like to be contained in large places with many people and constant noise, so I usually get the wrestling tournaments and swim meets. there has been some improvement in that the matches are now posted on a simple overhead -- each bracket and which mat -- so that we don't have to listen constantly for announcements. you don't know what a difference it makes to be able to tune out some of the noise.
he won the first match in less than 30 seconds. the second he got pinned in the second round. then we had to wait for another match for what seemed to be forever. that one was the closest: went three rounds, only 3 points scored, and ben t. was winning in the last round and in the last second or two he got flipped and pinned. it was by far his best match yesterday. I just watch. sometimes I wish I knew what to say, but he has coaches for that information.
it's an incredibly long day together -- we left at 6:30am and got back home at 4pm. I didn't think about the job interview once that whole time.