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Hooray! Congratulations on this well-deserved accomplishment!


This is just terrific news, Timna... I'm so happy for you!


So awesome!! We kind of did the house looking after Mr. Geeky got tenure and it really sunk in that we were sticking around.

I couldn't be more thrilled for you! From everything I can tell, you're a wonderful teacher (comes through even on your blog). You deserve to be recognized.

Regular lurker

I recently had to keep such a secret from a one-year person for a WEEK... the committee had decided he would be hired, but it wasn't final until the VP and president said it was ok...

Have a quick chat with the committee members from your department thanking them for sitting on your committee --


Go, you!


Thanks for sharing the "finding out" story! Sounds like others at your school were thrilled for you--just another testament to how wonderful you are!


Thanks for sharing all the details. Such wonderful news! Congratulations again.


CONGRATULATIONS!! Wonderful news!


I'm so happy for you! This is well-deserved and a long time coming. Virtual congratulatory hugs!!!!!!!!!



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