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Hooray (for the interview)!!


good luck! good luck!




Yes, good luck!!!


That's wonderful news! CONGRATS! :-)

Regular lurker

Good for you for staying home from the retreat -- holding it on Passover was pretty insensitive.

I wish I has some good advise about how to handle the in-house interview... I suppose you should think about it ias a chance to demonstrate how good you actually ARE, as well as your great teaching techniques. Also, I'm assuming the committee is comprised of mostly non-department people, who may not know you. This is your chance to show them your wonderfulness...

There is no use in being anything other than yourself, as they know you --- just be your best "self"

La Lecturess

Hooray! Fingers crossed!

And yes: good for you for staying home from the retreat.


Yay! Good luck! :)


Good luck!!

What Now?

Congrats on the interview.

Not that it's the same thing, but I had what were essentially in-house interviews for my second- and fourth-year reviews, and it was very strange to be interviewing with people who actually knew me. But then, as Regular Lurker points out, there is the advantage that there's no one to be other than oneself; no need to haul out the "interview self," since it clearly won't wash. There's actually some relief in that, I found.

And good for you for not going to the department meeting on Passover.


wow. thank you all! I'm sure I'll come back with more questions as the interview actually approaches.


I interviewed after being there for two years and felt silly acting like they knew nothing about me--it seemed so artificial. Is there anyone else at your school who has been through the process after having been there a while?

Regular lurker

I think the best option is to take the questions asked as an opportunity to let the entire committee see the best parts of you.

As teachers much of what our colleagues know about us is is accidental and incomplete. I'm also assuming that the hiring committee is mixed, some from the department, some faculty from outsie the department and some administrators. The outside people may or may not know you -- same with the administrators. This is your chance to give them all the same information and then trust them to sort it out.

Good luck and try not to put too much pressure on yourself... and, of course, ask us questions... we are here for you.


Getting here late. Congrats! And good luck! Sending you vibes.

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